BKG Analysis Report for R1891 (19APR23XA) This report is a contributed analysis report that does not correspond to the database maintained by the IVS Data Centers for this session. (Analyzed by Dieter Ullrich, Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG) Spoolfile source: interactive nuSolve analysis.) Problems: KATH12M - did not participate. Parameterization comments: - Clock breaks were added as follows: YARRA12M 2019-04-24 01:47 YARRA12M 2019-04-24 14:40 Other comments: This report includes the number of scheduled observations on the basis of Session Notes. ----------------------------------------- Session Statistics Observations: 6928 scheduled 5662 correlated (included in the database) 5367 recoverable (usable in Solve/nuSolve) 5301 used Session fit: 48.560 ps ----------------------------------------- Station Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Recoverable* Used % of scheduled obs used AGGO 392 335 328 83.7% FORTLEZA 642 570 554 86.3% HART15M 1007 872 855 84.9% ISHIOKA 1651 1426 1414 85.6% KATH12M 1171 MISSED MISSED 0.0% KOKEE 1191 1014 1001 84.0% NYALES20 1603 1468 1455 90.8% ONSALA60 1499 1376 1371 91.5% SEJONG 1375 1109 1096 79.7% WETTZ13N 1248 1020 1012 81.1% WETTZELL 1066 834 822 77.1% YARRA12M 1011 710 694 68.6% --------------- --------- ----------- --------- ------ Station Total** 6928 5367 5301 76.5% * Recoverable: can be included in the solution. ** Total includes distinct observations only. MISSED: Station was scheduled, but it did not observe. NOT CORR: Station was scheduled but not correlated. NOT USED: Usable data was generated for this station, but the analyst rejected it all. ----------------------------------------- Source Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Correlated* Used % of scheduled obs used 0013-005 7 5 1 14.3% 0017+200 467 358 345 73.9% 0059+581 640 570 515 80.5% 0104-408 77 44 38 49.4% 0119+115 91 84 70 76.9% 0131-522 20 14 12 60.0% 0202+319 295 268 267 90.5% 0229+131 34 28 23 67.6% 0256-005 5 4 3 60.0% 0308-611 35 25 23 65.7% 0322+222 19 19 15 78.9% 0347-211 10 10 10 100.0% 0402-362 29 21 19 65.5% 0458-020 382 312 299 78.3% 0530-727 16 15 13 81.2% 0537-286 24 18 16 66.7% 0537-441 34 24 22 64.7% 0552+398 497 419 393 79.1% 0613+570 169 140 139 82.2% 0648-165 110 76 74 67.3% 0716+714 255 249 248 97.3% 0736+017 41 35 29 70.7% 0743+277 8 8 8 100.0% 0804+499 14 13 12 85.7% 0823+033 48 34 33 68.8% 0955+476 281 240 237 84.3% 1034-293 26 9 5 19.2% 1040+244 40 40 40 100.0% 1053+704 6 5 5 83.3% 1104-445 24 7 5 20.8% 1124-186 142 84 81 57.0% 1144+402 342 277 251 73.4% 1213-172 16 14 12 75.0% 1221+809 51 50 49 96.1% 1243-072 19 19 17 89.5% 1255-316 31 19 15 48.4% 1345+125 4 4 0 0.0% 1351-018 13 13 12 92.3% 1424-418 109 75 63 57.8% 1504+377 25 25 21 84.0% 1519-273 12 12 11 91.7% 1540-828 10 8 0 0.0% 1546+027 266 198 193 72.6% 1636+473 19 17 16 84.2% 1639-062 172 124 123 71.5% 1657-261 26 23 20 76.9% 1741-038 261 196 186 71.3% 1754+159 13 13 12 92.3% 1758+388 13 13 13 100.0% 1759-396 16 6 5 31.2% 1842+681 57 56 56 98.2% 1908-201 46 29 27 58.7% 1954-388 31 18 12 38.7% 2008-159 35 27 26 74.3% 2052-474 12 1 0 0.0% 2106+143 6 6 4 66.7% 2126-158 14 11 5 35.7% 2149+056 13 13 13 100.0% 2155+312 27 24 24 88.9% 2204-540 7 6 2 28.6% 2227-088 217 164 154 71.0% 2229+695 106 106 102 96.2% 2255-282 38 25 20 52.6% 2309+454 34 34 32 94.1% 2319+317 11 10 8 72.7% 3C418 506 422 402 79.4% NRAO150 38 38 25 65.8% OJ287 466 388 370 79.4% ------------ --------- ---------- ------ ------ Source Total 6928 5662 5301 76.5% * Correlated means included in the database. ----------------------------------------- Baseline Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Recoverable* Used % of scheduled obs used AGGO-FORTLEZA 108 91 87 80.6% AGGO-HART15M 130 118 115 88.5% AGGO-ISHIOKA NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 0.0% AGGO-KATH12M NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 0.0% AGGO-KOKEE 49 34 34 69.4% AGGO-NYALES20 19 14 14 73.7% AGGO-ONSALA60 22 22 22 100.0% AGGO-SEJONG NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 0.0% AGGO-WETTZ13N 15 14 14 93.3% AGGO-WETTZELL 49 42 42 85.7% AGGO-YARRA12M NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 0.0% FORTLEZA-HART15M 136 125 121 89.0% FORTLEZA-ISHIOKA 17 11 11 64.7% FORTLEZA-KATH12M 2 MISSED MISSED 0.0% FORTLEZA-KOKEE 31 27 25 80.6% FORTLEZA-NYALES20 82 80 78 95.1% FORTLEZA-ONSALA60 86 82 82 95.3% FORTLEZA-SEJONG 6 0 DESELECTED 0.0% FORTLEZA-WETTZ13N 75 67 66 88.0% FORTLEZA-WETTZELL 90 80 77 85.6% FORTLEZA-YARRA12M 9 7 7 77.8% HART15M-ISHIOKA 77 76 74 96.1% HART15M-KATH12M 75 MISSED MISSED 0.0% HART15M-KOKEE NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 0.0% HART15M-NYALES20 85 82 81 95.3% HART15M-ONSALA60 113 108 108 95.6% HART15M-SEJONG 72 67 67 93.1% HART15M-WETTZ13N 94 91 91 96.8% HART15M-WETTZELL 116 104 102 87.9% HART15M-YARRA12M 109 101 96 88.1% ISHIOKA-KATH12M 198 MISSED MISSED 0.0% ISHIOKA-KOKEE 237 236 233 98.3% ISHIOKA-NYALES20 248 245 245 98.8% ISHIOKA-ONSALA60 182 182 182 100.0% ISHIOKA-SEJONG 270 269 266 98.5% ISHIOKA-WETTZ13N 149 148 148 99.3% ISHIOKA-WETTZELL 114 103 103 90.4% ISHIOKA-YARRA12M 159 156 152 95.6% KATH12M-KOKEE 133 MISSED MISSED 0.0% KATH12M-NYALES20 94 MISSED MISSED 0.0% KATH12M-ONSALA60 84 MISSED MISSED 0.0% KATH12M-SEJONG 207 MISSED MISSED 0.0% KATH12M-WETTZ13N 84 MISSED MISSED 0.0% KATH12M-WETTZELL 38 MISSED MISSED 0.0% KATH12M-YARRA12M 256 MISSED MISSED 0.0% KOKEE-NYALES20 192 191 191 99.5% KOKEE-ONSALA60 129 127 126 97.7% KOKEE-SEJONG 150 148 144 96.0% KOKEE-WETTZ13N 89 80 80 89.9% KOKEE-WETTZELL 87 78 78 89.7% KOKEE-YARRA12M 94 93 90 95.7% NYALES20-ONSALA60 276 276 275 99.6% SEJONG-NYALES20 162 161 160 98.8% NYALES20-WETTZ13N 189 186 184 97.4% NYALES20-WETTZELL 190 173 168 88.4% NYALES20-YARRA12M 66 60 59 89.4% SEJONG-ONSALA60 134 120 120 89.6% ONSALA60-WETTZ13N 258 258 256 99.2% ONSALA60-WETTZELL 155 147 147 94.8% ONSALA60-YARRA12M 60 54 53 88.3% SEJONG-WETTZ13N 130 119 116 89.2% SEJONG-WETTZELL 86 75 74 86.0% SEJONG-YARRA12M 158 150 149 94.3% WETTZ13N-WETTZELL 103 0 DESELECTED 0.0% WETTZ13N-YARRA12M 62 57 57 91.9% WETTZELL-YARRA12M 38 32 31 81.6% ----------------- --------- ----------- ---------- ------ Baseline Total 6928 5367 5301 76.5% * Recoverable: can be included in the solution. MISSED: Baseline was scheduled, but at least one of the sites did not observe. NOT CORR: Baseline was scheduled but not correlated. NO DATA: The baseline's stations were both correlated, but they did not observe together. DESELECTED: Usable data was generated for the baseline, but the analyst rejected it.